Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I've been Tagged

I've been taged!
1. List 3 joys: Paul, Landon, all other Family and friends....I know that's more than 3, sorry!
2. List 3 fears: losing someone I care deeply about, being robbed, spiders
3. List 3 goals: start Landon's scrapbook, buy a house, not be so negative about myself!
4. List 3 current obsessions: American Idol, Shopping, Dishes....weird one I know, but if I had all of the cabinet spate in the world, I'd own tons of cute dishes! Dishes for every holiday!
5. List 3 surprising/random facts about myself:  I love to rock climb, I love to organize, and I want at least 6 kids!

I have to tag 5 people, so I tag: Lisa, Kim Shaffer, Kim Huish, Jamie, and Emily

1 comment:

S'mee said...

1st time here (from Brianna's).

I have to tell you I love dishes also. I have so many sets it's crazy. I love to dress the table every day and I love changing out the plates to match the season or even the food! It's bad. It's definitely an obsession!