Monday, November 24, 2008

Pictures of Landon, Hair, Etsy Site

I have been slacking again with my pictures! Here are some new ones!
Landon wearing his UofA shirt grandma and Grandpa bought him.(That's where  my brother goes)
Landon playing in a was good entertainment for about 30 minutes!
Later on, the same day, Landon fell asleep standing up in his exersaucer!
On November 5, Landon ate Gerber biscuits for the 1st time! this isn't the first time he ate them, but I love this pic!
On November 11, Landon crawled for the 1st time. Here is him crawling at my parents house. He really wanted my bracelet!
On November 14, Landon wore shoes for the first time! He looked liked such a little boy!
Also, on November 14, I had an achievement days sleepover at my house. Here's me after I got a face mask by one of the girls.
Here's all of the girls! 
This is Landon after church last Sunday...he looks so grown up in his button up shirt!
Landon was very tired, and passed out after one of his bottles.
He LOVES to play the piano!
Last Saturday we went to my parents house to watch BYU get sad=( I was taking pictures of Landon with my mom's dogs. This is Nessie posing for the camera.
Landon in his BYU gear!
I cut Paul's hair a few days ago! Here's his new do...
And on Saturday after the BYU game, I went to my friend Jamie's house, to have her cut my's my new do...Shocking I know!
and tonight I finally set up my Etsy Shop! Check it out! Here's one of the items in the shop!


Em and Ms said...

Such cute pictures! Your haircuts look great, and Landon is so cute! Madelyn has never fallen asleep in random places like that. So funny!

kimberlee shaffer said...


Brianna said...

How much fun! Landon is getting so big, that is so cool that he is crawling. I love your haircut, it looks so great! I am excited to check out your etsy shop, I am going there right now!

The Moulton Family said...

I loved Paul's hair cut.


Erinn said...

Tons of cute pics! I can't even pic a fave!

Hope that you guys had a Happy Thanksgiving and a safe Black Friday!