Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cute Landon

Landon is doing very well at holding his head up! This is a picture I got of him while he had tummy time. I thought it was cute and that I'd share it with all of you!


Em and Ms said...

I love his expression with those big eyes. He is adorable!

kimberlee shaffer said...

He is such a doll!!! what a cutie pie. way to go big guy holding your head up!

Mandy Frehner said...

Hey it's Mandy (Byington) Frehner! I'm so glad I found your blog and get to see you your beautiful son! I had such nice chats with you at the doctor's office. He really is gorgeous, congratulations! I was reading about your gallbladder story, I had mine taken out emergency when my son was six weeks old. It was pretty crappy! (Just like your story)
I'm glad everything turned out good. You have such a sweet little family. Check out my blog if you would like.